Sunday, September 14, 2008

Camden, 4 months old!

We just got back from a weekend Genetics retreat at the beach, and will post pictures soon! For now, here's Camden's weekly slideshow. Camden had his 4 month birthday on Wednesday. In celebration, I forgot to bring bottles to work and had to pick him up early from daycare...woops. But I got extra time with my baby :) Here are some pictures that Lauren took of Camden hanging out with his buddies Peyton & Amelia. gotta love that drool

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

We'll get a funnel cake. It'll be the highlight of my week.

You may recognize the title as a quote from The Family Man with Nicholas Cage and Tea of my favorite movies! The scene where Jack (Nicholas Cage) pouts because Annie gets the new mary janes and all he'll get is a funnel cake is not unlike our trip to the mall on Saturday...except Mark totes Camden around the mall while we shop for clothes for me, clothes for Camden, and again...clothes for me...without pouting or a single complaint. What a wonderful guy my hubby is! Rather than a funnel cake, we settled for a large Dr. Pepper, in between a bathing suit return and a trip to Gymboree. Gymboree was having a not-so-shabby sale on Fall clothes, so we sprung for the cutest sherpa hat and jean jacket for Camden. It will perfect for his first trips to St. Louis at Thanksgiving & Christmas.